Virgin vs. Taursex, Adele vs. Gaga, Atheism vs. Religion


Before I start I have good news!   They aren’t cutting the music prgram because of how pissed the students are which means I’m joining show choir which means my parents can’t bitch at me for not doing anything with my life!  Yay!

This post has a lot of questions.

Question.  Virgin or Taursex?  I’m sure you’re wondering, what is a Taursex?  I’m sure you’re also wondering, why would I tell this person if I am a virgin or not?  Well, in a recent conversation with an anonymous british friend of mine, we came to realization there is no word for the oppostite of virgin.  So taursex came to be!  We did our research and discovered that virgin is derived from the word vergo, which is like a star sign or something.  So since me and my friend are both taurus’ (the best possible one) we decided we should make it have something to do with that.  Then I was just like “taursex” so we’re going to use that from now on.  So now all you non-virgins can brag to your friend about being a taursex and you’ll have that and the fact that you even know what taursex means over them.

Another Question.  Adele or Lady Gaga?  Soulful or pop-y..?  Old or new?  Strangely enough this topic was a discussion between the same friend that helped with the invention of taursex.  Moving on.  I’m recently extremely obsessed with Adele.  I posted on my facebook a video of her singing live and said something like “She has more talent than other singers of this time, i.e. Lady Gaga.  I forget what my friend said but we got really into it.  We were talking about how Lady Gaga isn’t that pretty, Adele is.  Adele’s style of music has already been done before, and people look for new things such as like Lady Gaga’s kind of music.  I don’t know who won the argument but it was enjoyable.

The last question.  Are you atheist or do you believe in some type of god?  I’m atheist as of like 4 months ago but I never really talked about religion much until I started telling people.  I just find the whole concept of some woman who became pregnant by sitting around doing nothing very unlikely.  My friend and I have decided that Mary was a crack head.  Someone knocked her up and because she was a crackhead he appeared to be God, telling her that she would become pregnant (it upsets me that this man did not use protection).  Mary gave birth to Jesus who was a crack baby, so he was messed up.  He would see these hallucinations about some guy that would tell him to fast so people would like him and follow him around.  Eventually people came to the realization he was crazy and KILLED HIM.  Strangely, his followers refused to believe there was anything mentally wrong with him, which is where chrisitanity came from.  Ta da.

Currently it’s school vacation and I haven’t done anything except go to the mall once and go downtown once.  The mall kinda sucked because one person was like mad or something and she kept ditching me and my friend.  Downtown was awesome, as it always is.  Wait I just realized we did not go downtown, that was last week xD

Sorry this post was kind dumb and based on arguments with my friends.  But I needed to post really badly anyways. 


2 responses to “Virgin vs. Taursex, Adele vs. Gaga, Atheism vs. Religion

  • Naomi

    Fantastic post, but I’m not sure how much I could say in response to this. I’ll try anyway.

    Good news about the music program! And good luck with show choir. xD

    the whole Taursex thing is kinda amazing, as you already know I’m sure.

    Yeah, an enjoyable argument indeed. They’re both decent musicians but to say either of them is brilliant is over stating it, in my opinion. Also I don’t wanna go on and on about how Gaga isn’t pretty, because that isn’t entirely true, and to say that just takes away from the progress I want the Indsutry to achieve.

    Yay atheism! You know I agree with you on most points re religion, particularly Christianity. Imagine being that guy who knocked up Mary? It’d be so weird because people started thinking your son was the son of God and he’d turn out to be the most influential person in history(arguably)? And you couldn’t even be proud of him for being your son because everyone is supposed to believe he’s God’s son, not yours! It’d be like living a lie! It’d be really strange. xD

    I can just about guarantee that if they had protection in these times, they wouldn’t have the ‘no sex before marriage’ rule. It’s so silly how people take archaic rules like this and apply them to situations 2000 years later.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if he really was a crack baby? And basically, crack caused one of the most dangerous movements in human history? That’s a Don’t Do Drugs ad if ever there was one.

    Thanks for posting. xD

  • Soe

    hey matt naomi told me you’re blog address, it’s cool that your blogging now!



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